by admin | Jul 24, 2018
Make your own Catchbox. Save ammo and shoot slingshots anywhere.
Watch this video to learn how to make your own catchbox out of household materials. You don’t need anything fancy to make a fully functioning catch-box for slingshots.
by admin | Jul 9, 2018
We’ve said many times how important turning your bands is. If you do not properly tune your bands, you will experience poor performance. So it is essential that you know how to measure your draw length, choose your active band length, and then correctly trim your bands. In this video we will address an error that we see commonly.
by admin | Jul 9, 2018
TTF simply means through the forks. This style of banding means that your ammo will actually fly through the forks when you shoot it. This type of banding allows a thicker aiming reference when aiming down the band.
by admin | Jul 9, 2018
So what does OTT mean? Over the top. And in the world of slingshots, that means how your slingshot is banded. Over-the-top simply means that your bands come up over the top of the slingshot frame.
There’s not much else to it. Almost all natural fork slingshots must be banded over-the-top.There’s no right or wrong way to band a slingshot.Over-the-top is a style that many great shooters love.
by admin | Jul 9, 2018
Here’s a question a lot of people have.Which is better over-the-top or through the forks? The answer? Yes. 🙂
There is positively no right way to band up your slingshot.There are people who shoot over the top and there are people who shoot through the forks with incredible accuracy.