How can I make my bandsets last longer?

“Which bands last the longest?”

This is a common question for people seeking the magic bands that that will last forever. However, this bandset does not exist if you want to actually use it.

All bandsets have a lifespan. All band sets wear out. They all need to be replaced at some point.

To get the most life out of your slingshot band sets make sure you keep them away from Ozone, chemicals that can break down latex, and UV light.

When it comes to the actual lifespan of your bandsets, remember that tuning your bandsets will dramatically affect their lifespan. If you shoot hard and fast with short bandsets, expect your lifespan to drop. If you shoot with a shorter elongation, expect your band sets to last longer. It’s up to you to decide what you’d like most. Just remember you can’t have it all. Bandsets do wear out, but will last you long enough for hundreds of shots on average and lots of fun!

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Slingshot Bands

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