Are there any similarities between shooting a bow and shooting a slingshot?
Oh yeah! There are a LOT of similarities, and we love them.
See, shooting a bow is GREAT for slingshot shooters and shooting a slingshot is GREAT for archers!
Both disciplines require muscle training (especially those stabilizing muscles). But while shooting a bow requires frequent trips down range to retrieve arrows and a full-weight draw, slingshot shooters can reel off several hundred shots (with a lighter draw and no need to retrieve shots).
Slingshot shooting is OUTSTANDING practice for all our archers out there! Try it out and see if it doesn’t massively improve your archery skills!
Slingshot Bands

Slingshot Frames

Slingshot Ammo

Like archery, should I start slingshot shooting small and light then work up?
We love this question, and it was also the last one submitted the season. The question came from...
Can the weight of a slingshot frame affect shooting performance?
Does the weight of a slingshot frame have any effect on shooting? It sure can. A heavier frame can...
What is the mentality for competition slingshot shooting?
What is the right mindset for accurate slingshot shooting? Particularly in a competition setting?...