by admin | Sep 19, 2018
SimpleShot Pro Tip: Band Error? Or the importance of a clean release.
In this video Nathan tells the story of a wild experience at the 2018 World Cup in Italy.
The result? A more firm belief in the importance of the release and the insignificance of small details in the bandset.
by admin | Jul 24, 2018
Make your own Catchbox. Save ammo and shoot slingshots anywhere.
Watch this video to learn how to make your own catchbox out of household materials. You don’t need anything fancy to make a fully functioning catch-box for slingshots.
by admin | Oct 20, 2017
We get asked sometimes about the pliers we use for stretching tubular rubber for bandsets. Well, here you go. This is super simple but so helpful for the job. Check it out!
by admin | Oct 20, 2017
Is Theraband Black the same as SImpleShot Black?
The answer is definitely no. Theraband black is about half the thickness of SimpleShot black. If you shot the same cut of both bands, you’d see a huge difference.
So don’t make the mistake of thinking they are the same. Both are great products, but they are very different!
by admin | Oct 19, 2017
Latex. It’s what drives slingshots. The slingshot is just the fork that holds the most important piece: the latex. And not all latex is created equal. There are many kinds of latex out there. Different thicknesses, different resistance to elements, varying colors and dimensions.