SimpleShot / Sllingshots
Why SimpleShot Slingshots?

Nathan Masters, Founder, SimpleShot Shooting Sports
20 April 2017
Today the outdoorsman and marksman has an outstanding array of slingshot varieties available. Any and all of them will provide you some fun.
Let’s face it, we don’t shoot slingshots because they offer the best ballistic coefficient for a given projectile or can fire off 15 rounds in succession. They don’t have either. Most slingshots are the same, they all send a projectile downrange using rubber and some mechanism to hold the rubber.
They all ‘shoot’ something, dependably. Every time.
SimpleShot understands this.
We understand that slingshots are simple things –based on simple physics – and almost always offer simple fun in return. We know that your time spent on recreation and leisure is fleeting and any opportunity to add more fun to your fun is money well spent. As such, SimpleShot offers world class tools for down-home, world class fun.
It is generally agreed in the fluent slingshot community that any slingshot can be a world class, top of the pile, white hot tournament winner in the right hands. We agree. We also know that to be at the top of that white hot pile of awesomeness, one needs to have a solid foundation and education in Everything Slingshots.
SimpleShot offers the discerning human seeking more fun in their life, world class products and stellar customer support and education for any and all things related to the slingshot lifestyle.
Whether it be marksmanship, craft, self reliance, or DIY fun, SimpleShot aims to please!
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Why Slingshots?
Did you know that slingshots grow on trees? Were you aware that marksmanship is uniquely a human endeavor? Are you having enough fun in your life?
Sirs, This is more of a question than a comment. Do you know of any slingshot gshot shooting clubs, organizations or groups in Arizona? I have gone the route of Internet searches with no luck. Thank you for your help, Joe Pruzinsky
That’s a great question Joe. We’ve had this question before and see the need to make a place for this kind of info. It’s something we really want to do and we’re looking into the best way to make it happen!
This also is more of a question than a comment. I have 2 grandgirls (6 and 9). They are fun kids and like to shoot sling shots with me. The small diameter rubber tubing has finally given up on their very simple slingshots and I decided to try to find a more sophisticated replacement. So, my question is “do you make youth model sling shots suitable for my girls?”. Thanks
John. Great question.
First of all, kudos for being such an awesome grandpa. 🙂
Most of our models are suitable for youngsters, but we do have some frames that are small and great for young hands.
The axiom champ is great for its small size but can be shot safely over the top.
Believe it or not, the large palm swell on the Scout actually makes it very kid-friendly. They can hold it hammer-grip and it works great.
We also see kids shooting the Axiom Ocularis with success.
The Torque could be a little tough for a youngster and although small, the really small models (such as the dead ringer) are actually advanced models.
Thanks for asking!
Just wanted to say thank you. My name is casey I just ordered a torque n I can’t wait. I live in winston Salem nc . I cerry for edc/ self defense