We love this question, and it was also the last one submitted the season.
The question came from an Olympic archer, who was wondering if he should approach slingshot, shooting as he approached archery. And honestly, his question is basically the answer Gerald absolutely nailed it in his question when he asks if a slingshot shooter should start with lighter bands and appropriately matched ammo to learn how to shoot.
After developing the skill and muscle memory, he asks if that would be the time to work up to heavier, bands, and matched ammo. And his guess is completely correct.
As we have mentioned earlier this season, slingshot, shooting and archery have much in common. This is no exception. We absolutely recommend starting with small light ammo and light bands to learn the basics of shooting.
There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is the ability to shoot without muscle fatigue, and really hone in on those small muscle movements and skills that are so critical for accuracy.
Slingshot Bands

Slingshot Frames

Slingshot Ammo

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