What is the difference between a hunting slingshot and a target slingshot?
We all hear all about hunting slingshots and “the best hunting slingshots” but what exactly IS a hunting slingshot?
Is there a difference from a target slingshot? Great question with a simple answer to set straight.
We get this question a LOT, so we’re glad to answer it here!
What’s the best shoot it and forget it ammo for slingshots? Better than AirSoft ammo?
I use AirSoft. It's fun and all, but I have to try to collect it and I don't want to use a...
Why don’t you carry amber latex anymore if it’s the fastest?
Why would you not carry the fastest latex for slingshots? Simple. We do. But it's not amber latex...
Is Shanghai shooting a valid style of shooting? Any thoughts or tips?
Some people use the Shanghai style where you hold the ammo, not the pouch. This may seem like a...