What is the best ammo for my slingshot?
Spherical projectiles are the most preferred and most accurate ammo you can shoot. This may be steel balls, lead balls, or marbles. Shooting a spherical projectile provides the shooter with the most consistent and repeatable accuracy.
Ammo from SimpleShot
Try the SimpleShot ammo sampler and find your sweet spot. You’ll love experimenting with all these ammo sizes! Or just choose your ammo size and stock up.
Slingshot Flatbands

Slingshot Targets

Slingshot Ammo

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That sounds super dangerous. A fork hit would be devastating and I don’t even want to think about a hand hit.
Round ammo is always the right choice since flat ammo may leave the pouch erratically!
I recently ran out of 6 mm ammo, I found a box of 22 airgun pellets which I used to great effect on a beer can at 6 yards, straight through and beyond
Why is sling shot ammo flat on opposing sides?
Steel ammo usually is not. Our steel is perfectly spherical.
I have a Scout and soon an Axiom Ocularis. What size ammo shoots best in them? (steel balls)
Our stock bandset is perfect for 7/16 steel and can be tuned to shoot 3/8 with a vengeance!
The most important thing to keep in mind is shot placement. It doesn’t matter what size the ammo is or how fast it is going, if it is a miss. Accuracy kills!