How can I measure my draw length?
1. Attach a piece of string to your slingshot where the bands tie in.
2. Slide your fingers along the string to your anchor point, “drawing back” the length of string. [video]
3. Measure the length of string.
This length is your ‘draw length’
Knowing your draw length is critical to measuring your active band length, with is essential to accurately tune in your bands.
Slingshot accuracy. What are best practices for slingshot accuracy?
Best Practices for Slingshot Practice. In this video, Nathan goes over his number one...
How to measure my bands, tune my bands and shoot fastest?
Band tuning is utterly essential to excellent performance when shooting a slingshot. We talk about...
How to match slingshot bands / slingshot bandsets to slingshot ammo?
Explain how bands are chosen and set up for deferenct slingshots. Matching your slingshot bands or...
Slingshot Flatbands

Slingshot DIY

Slingshot Ammo