Is clay slingshot ammo accurate?
Is clay slingshot ammo powerful? Can I hunt with it? COMMENT ON YOUTUBE Can I hunt with clay ammo? Is it accurate? Can I hunt with it? So let’s address the topic of power. Generally, clay is going to be roughly equivalent to 8mm or 5/16 steel. Clay ammo is never...
Three things every beginning slingshot shooter should know.
What three things would you say to a beginner slingshot shooter? Beginners are the best! Here are the top three things Nathan would tell a beginner shooter. We love this question because we love talking to beginners about as much as anyone! So to actually know this...
What is the best hunting slingshot?
Which slingshot is the best for hunting? There are a lot of options. We can help you choose! There is a lot of information out there on this topic . . . Some articles get it right, and some recommend hunting slingshots that we could never recommend. Here’s what...
The best slingshot ammo for hunting.
Choosing the right ammo for your slingshot is crucial, but can be a little confusing. Watch this video to learn about different types of ammunition and how they work with different hunting weapons! There’s more to this answer than a quick ammo recommendation, so...
What is the best ammo for my slingshot?
Spherical projectiles are the most preferred and most accurate ammo you can shoot. This may be steel balls, lead balls, or marbles. Shooting a spherical projectile …